Meta Tags -Meta Title-Meta Description - Best IT Services Provider

Meta Tags -Meta Title-Meta Description

Meta Tags:

  • Meta tags are the property of Individual pages that are being displayed in SERP of search engine.
  • Meta tags includes meta title, meta description and meta keywords.

Meta Title:

  • Limit your title length to 55 to 60 characters or 580 pixels.
  • Idle Meta title can be like below format:
    • Primary Keyword + Prominence + brand Name
  • Including some great offer or your speciality along with Primary keyword can help you get more

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Meta Description:

  • Limit your Meta description length to 150 to 160 characters or 990px.
  • Idle Meta description can be like below format:
    • It should be two lines.
    • First line should contain your secondary keyword
    • Second line should contain some strong call to action.
  • Including some great offer or strong call to action help getting more clicks.

How to update Meta titles and Description in WordPress Website:

Use seo plugins to update meta titles and description.

What is Plugins:

Plugins are the piece of code which makes the wordpress website task operations easier without altering code manually. Non technical person who doesn’t have proper coding knowledge can use those plugins.

  1. Login to your wordpress website (wp admin)
  2. Head to Plugins
  3. Search for Yoast SEO
  4. Download Yoast SEO Plugin
  5. Install and activate the plugin
  6. You are good to go.

Pro Tip:

  • Keep experimenting with meta title and description by changing them every month to improve the
    CTR (Click through rate).

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